Customer Relations represent relations between customers (Data Objects), i.e., companies and contacts. They can be one of two types:
A relation is of one of the following types:
Figure 194: ConSol CM FlexCDM - Examples of customer relations
To make Customer Relations available to the engineers, the relations have to be defined in the Admin Tool. Open the navigation item Relations in the navigation group Customers. All relations are listed, new relations can be added, and old ones can be deleted.
Figure 195: ConSol CM Admin Tool - Managing customer relations
The following elements are available:
Figure 196: ConSol CM Admin Tool - Details of a customer relation
To create a new relation, use the Add button, to edit a relation use the Edit button. In both cases, the detail information pop-up window for a relation is opened where you can edit the following fields:
In spite of this being an administrator's manual, we will show you how relations are set using the Web Client, because, as an administrator, you should always know what the consequences of administration modifications are.
As an engineer who has the access permissions to the source and to the target customer group, you can add a relation of one Data Object to another in the Relations section of the source Data Object. You have to have at least one role with the access permission Write for the source customer group and the target customer group to perform this operation. You can set the relations on the Data Object-specific page, i.e., open the company page or the contact page of the potential source object.
For example, you can create a relation Sells products to from a company in the Reseller customer group to a contact in the Direct customers customer group. Of course, this relation has to be defined in the Admin Tool first. Use the Add link in the Relations section and then select the relation from the drop-down menu. Enter the target name (e.g., contact name) in the auto-complete text field. You can also add a note. Then click OK. The relation can be edited or deleted afterwards using the respective links (Edit, Remove).
Please refer to the ConSol CM User Manual for a detailed explanation of working with customer relations.
Figure 197: ConSol CM Web Client - Setting a relation
A new class, the UnitRelationService, is available. For details please refer to the ConSol CM API Java Doc.
In this book we will use the terms customer and customer definition. However, the corresponding scripts use the term data object and the names of the corresponding Java classes are Unit and UnitDefinition. All other Java classes which deal with customer objects are also still named Unit... Please keep that in mind if you work as both a ConSol CM administrator and programmer. Please refer to the ConSol CM Java API Doc for details.
// Creates the unit relation
UnitRelation create(UnitRelation pUnitRelation)
// Deletes the unit relation
void delete(UnitRelation pUnitRelation)
// Get a set of relations by criteria
PageResult<UnitRelation> getByCriteria(UnitRelationCriteria pCritieria)
// Gets unit relations by source and target units
Set<UnitRelation> getBySourceAndTarget(Unit pSourceUnit, Unit pTargetUnit)
// Gets unit relations by source or target units
Set<UnitRelation> getByUnits(Collection<Unit> pUnits)
// Updates the unit relation
void update(UnitRelation pUnitRelation)
Please refer to the ConSol CM Process Designer Manual for a detailed explanation on how to write scripts which use Customer Relations.
The relations of resources to contacts or to companies are always defined as Resource Relations, i.e., defined for resources, not for Data Objects. The company or contact objects are assigned as potential target objects when the Resource Relation is defined. Resource Relations are explained in section CM.Resource Pool - Resource Relations.