Microsoft Exchange Calendar Integration


Starting with CM version 6.10, it is possible to include a Microsoft Exchange calendar view in the Web Client.

Supported Microsoft Exchange versions are:

The calendar view can be offered ...

The calendar will be displayed in a distinct section of the ticket / customer page.

An engineer who works with the calendar view can ...

Figure 240: ConSol CM Web Client - Ticket with Calendar section (monthly view)

Figure 241: ConSol CM Web Client - Adding an appointment in the calendar

Configuring the Microsoft Exchange Calendar Integration

Basic Configuration

The integration of a Microsoft Exchange server to provide calendar data is done based on page customization. For a detailed introduction to this topic, please read the section about Page Customization. Here, only the calendar-specific configuration is explained.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Make the calendar section visible (example for the Ticket Edit page):
    Log in as an administrator and open a ticket. Select Enable page customization in the main menu. Since the calendar section is not yet displayed, you cannot mark the element you want to configure, but instead have to select it in the page customization tree. Select calendar/ticketEditPage/calendarSection and set the attribute state from hidden to expanded. Alternatively, you can set collapsed. This will initially display a collapsed Calendar section and the engineer can expand it manually. In both cases, the calendar section of the ticket will be visible. As header No Calendar will be displayed. The configuration of the calendar follows in step 2.

    Figure 242: ConSol CM Web Client - Using page customization to make the Calendar section of a ticket visible

    Figure 243: ConSol CM Web Client - Page Customization Definition Section (PCDS) for the Calendar section of tickets

  2. Configure the calendar script:
    The connection a Microsoft Exchange server calendar is implemented using an Admin Tool script. The script has to be stored in the Admin Tool script section, i.e., navigation group System, navigation element Scripts and Templates, and must be of script type Calendar integration. The name of this script has to be entered as the value for the attribute calendarInitializationScript in the page customization (see step 1).
    The script has to be coded as shown in the following example:

    return [

    name: 'Exchange Source',

    'access.type': 'EXCHANGE',

    'access.url': '',

    'access.username': 'exchange-user',


    'access.domain': 'SSO',


    'access.version': '2013'


    Code example 43: Calendar integration script

    For somebody, you have to insert the desired name of the Microsoft Exchange user. The calendar on the ticket page or on the customer page will be based on the view of this Exchange calendar user. For example, somebody could be the Exchange login of the ConSol CM engineer who is currently logged in. If the name of an engineer is the same in Exchange and ConSol CM, you can simply pass the current engineer's name to Exchange using the method workflowApi.getCurrentEngineer().getName().
  3. Enable edit mode for the calendar:
    To allow full access (i.e., to create and/or edit appointments) for engineers, set the page customization attribute editable to true.

Advanced Configuration: Page Customization Parameters for the Microsoft Exchange Calendar Integration

Short Background Information about the Microsoft Exchange Calendar Integration

The integration (more precisely, the display) of Microsoft Exchange calendars in ConSol CM is based on the jQuery fullcalendar plugin. For complete details on that API, please refer to the fullcalendar web site.

Pages for the Configuration of the calendarSection

The Calendar section can be configured on these pages:


The following attributes can be used to configure the appearance and behavior of the integrated Exchange calendar.
