Figure 90: ConSol CM Web Client - Search result table with detailSearch/searchDetailPage, enableRowSelection = true
Figure 91: ConSol CM Web Client - Search result table with detailSearch /searchDetailPage, enableRowSelection = false
Figure 92: ConSol CM Web Client - Detailed Search for engineers with enableSearchForOtherUsersTickets = true
Figure 93: ConSol CM Web Client - Detailed Search for engineers with enableSearchForOtherUsersTickets = false
Figure 94: ConSol CM Web Client - Using page customization to adapt maximum number of tickets shown in grid
Figure 95: ConSol CM Web Client - Maximum number in ticket grid with maximum 7
The maximum number of tickets displayed in the ticket grid view can also be role-specific. For example, an engineer with the role Teamlead would see 100 tickets, whereas an engineer with the role Helpdesk would see 50 tickets. In the following simple example, all engineers with the role ServiceDesk see ten tickets, all others see 5. The configuration uses a script which is defined for the page customization type. The script is stored in the Script and Template Administration of the Admin Tool.
Figure 96: ConSol CM Web Client - Defining a script for maximum number of tickets in grid view using page customization
Figure 97: ConSol CM Admin Tool - Script for maximum number of tickets in grid
Figure 98: ConSol CM Web Client - Number of tickets in ticket grid for different engineer roles