Administrator and Notification E-Mail Addresses


In ConSol CM, several administrator e-mail addresses (or notification e-mail addresses respectively) can be configured. Here, an overview of all those addresses is provided.

Default Configuration

When you set-up a ConSol CM system, you have to enter one global admin e-mail address.

Figure 555: Admin e-mail address configuration during system set-up

This global e-mail address (system property cmas-core-security, will be used for all notifications and will be entered automatically for all subsystem-specific e-mail addresses. This means that this admin e-mail address will initially be set automatically for all system properties which contain admin or notification e-mail addresses. The properties can then be changed using the Admin Tool GUI to configure the specific subsystem, e.g., you can configure a specific notification address for DWH operations in the DWH Configuration section of the Admin Tool.

By configuring different admin/notification e-mail addresses for different subsystems, you can spread responsibilities according to responsibilities and roles within your company. For some notifications, even the FROM address, text, and the subject can be configured.

Subsystem-Specific Notification E-Mail Addresses

DWH (Data Warehouse) - Specific Notification E-Mail Addresses and E-Mail Configurations

System Properties

For an overview of all system properties which can be set for DWH notifications, please refer to section CMRF & DWH Configuration of the List of System Properties by Area chapter. All properties which are relevant in this context start with notification.

Graphical Configuration

Figure 556: ConSol CM Admin Tool - Notification address for DWH errors

The e-mail addresses are checked when you click Save. If an e-mail address is not valid, a message is displayed. No mails will be sent to this address.

E-Mail - Specific Notification E-Mail Addresses

System Properties (NIMH Mode)

Please note that the sending is controlled by the system property cmas-nimh-extension, mail.on.error. Only if this property is set to true, an error e-mail is sent to the above configured address in case an e-mail message could not be processed.

System Properties (Mule/ESB Mode)

Graphical Configuration

The value which is entered here (Error e-mail address) in the graphical user interface is set for NIMH as well as for Mule/ESB.

Figure 557: ConSol CM Admin Tool - Configuration of global admin e-mail address and of notification e-mail address for e-mail processing problems

Do not mix up the two e-mail addresses which can be configured on the tab of the navigation item E-mail:

Workflow Engine - Specific Notification E-Mail Addresses