
This section explains the navigation item E-mail in navigation group E-Mail in the Admin Tool. Furthermore, the e-mail-related system properties and the configuration for e-mail duplication are covered.

Introduction to E-Mails in ConSol CM

Before we explain the administration of e-mail accounts using the ConSol CM Admin Tool, we will give you a short introduction on the subject e-mail with ConSol CM, because this represents a core functionality of the application. ConSol CM can send and receive e-mails.

In this section, the focus is on general mailing with ConSol CM and on the set-up in single server environments. In case you have to configure a CM cluster, please read this section first and proceed to the ConSol CM Set-Up Manual, section E-Mail.

Sending E-Mails from ConSol CM

Manual E-Mails

E-mails can be sent manually by an engineer or automatically by the system. Manual e-mails are sent using the Ticket E-Mail Editor. In most systems, by default, the ticket's main customer is the receiver of the e-mail, but the engineer can select or type any other e-mail address. The system-wide default value can be changed by an administrator using Page Customization, using the attribute mailToSelection in the Page Customization section. Furthermore, the engineer can use e-mail templates and/or quote ticket text. Please see the ConSol CM User Manual for a detailed introduction about working with the Ticket E-Mail Editor.

Figure 316: ConSol CM Web Client - Ticket E-Mail Editor

Automatic E-Mails

Automatic e-mails may be sent by ConSol CM in situations like the following:

  1. Initiated by the workflow engine, e.g.,
    1. when the engineer to whom the ticket is assigned should be reminded to attend to the ticket.
    2. when customers should receive an automatic confirmation that a ticket has been opened for them.
    3. when customers should receive an automatic confirmation that a ticket of theirs has been closed.
    4. when a supervisor or approver should receive a message that a new case has to be approved.
    In any workflow activity, an e-mail can be sent to any valid e-mail address. Please see the ConSol CM Process Designer Manual for a detailed explanation of the methods to use.
  2. Initiated by the system in case of an error or for a success message, e.g.,
    1. system error
    2. e-mail error
    3. DWH synchronization (error or success)
      Usually, those e-mails are sent to the ConSol CM administrator. However, for most special error cases a special receiver e-mail address can be configured using system properties. Please see section System Properties for details.
  3. Initiated by the ConSol CM system to remind engineers
    1. When an engineer receives a ticket or a ticket is retrieved from the engineer, an e-mail can be sent to this engineer. This can be configured on a per-queue basis, as described in section Queue Administration.

Receiving E-Mails with ConSol CM

The ConSol CM system can fetch e-mails from one or more mailboxes (= e-mail accounts) on one or more mail servers. The mailboxes are configured in the Admin Tool (General E-Mail Configuration (Navigation Item E-Mail)). Please keep in mind that ConSol CM works with mailboxes here. Each of the mailboxes can be reached by at least one e-mail address. In certain cases, one mailbox might be used for more than one e-mail address. This can be significant when writing Scripts of Type E-Mail.

As far as the mail server is concerned, ConSol CM is just a regular e-mail client fetching e-mails using a standard mail protocol: IMAP(S) or POP3(S). Depending on the mail server configuration and on the ConSol CM system property cmas-esb-mail, mail.delete.read (in Mule/ESB mode) resp. cmas-nimh, mailbox.default.task.delete.read.messages (in NIMH mode), the e-mails are deleted from the mailbox on the mail server after ConSol CM has picked them up. The default setting is mails are not deleted after pick-up.

If you do not want ConSol CM to delete e-mails from the mail server, please make sure to monitor the mailbox(es) to avoid a data overflow and server or performance problems.

All incoming e-mails are first stored in an incoming e-mail pool in ConSol CM and are then processed in a chain of e-mail scripts. Please see section Scripts of Type E-Mail for a detailed explanation of those scripts. When an e-mail cannot be processed, the administrator will receive a notification e-mail. The unprocessed e-mail is listed under E-Mail Backups.

There are different possibilities concerning the default system behavior for an incoming e-mail:

By modifying the e-mail scripts (see section Scripts of Type E-Mail), the default system behavior can be changed. However, this can corrupt core functionalities of the system and should not be done or only done by very experienced ConSol consultants!

E-Mail Configuration Using the Admin Tool


Since ConSol CM version 6.9.4, there are two modes to receive incoming e-mails:

For all configurations/settings which are valid for both modes, no further notes are added. For all settings which vary depending on the mode, this will be explained in separate (i.e., Mule/ESB- or NIMH-specific) sections.

General E-Mail Configuration (Navigation Item E-Mail)

In this navigation item you can set the parameters for the e-mail connection.

Figure 317: ConSol CM Admin Tool - E-mail


Admin e-mail:

Enter the e-mail address which should receive general messages or warnings from the system. Using the GUI, you can enter one admin e-mail address. Multiple addresses separated by commas are possible, but they have to be entered directly in the navigation item System Properties. Use the system property cmas-core-security, admin.email. The total number of characters (for both GUI and property) must not exceed 72. If there are many recipients, we recommend using a mailing list on the mail server system.

Incoming E-Mail

The configuration of incoming e-mail is divided into two areas:

For the configuration of incoming e-mail you might also want to check the e-mail-related system properties, see System Properties. Particularly, the polling interval (the time interval for fetching e-mails from the mail server, system property cmas-esb-mail, mail.polling.interval) might be of interest.

Outgoing E-Mail

The connection data for outgoing e-mails are set here:

Outgoing e-mail connector

Use the following format:

smtp://<IP address of mail server>:<port>

Example with standard port:


Example for SMTP server with authentication:


The example above uses the following parameters:

Please note: If user name and/or password which have to be provided contain the character '@', the '@' has to be coded as %40.

E-Mail Modes: Mule/ESB Mail or NIMH

Starting with CM version 6.9.4, there are two modules for the retrieval of incoming e-mails:

In the current ConSol CM version, you, as an administrator, can decide which module to use: you can run ConSol CM in Mule/ESB mode or in NIMH mode. Mule/ESB and NIMH use different system settings which are stored as system properties. They are explained in the following two sections. The "switch" which changes the incoming e-mail mode is the system property cmas-core-server, nimh.enabled which can be set to true or false.

The sending of e-mails, i.e., the SMTP server configuration is not influenced by the incoming e-mail mode.

E-Mail Configuration Using Mule/ESB Mail

Mule is the internal ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) which is - among other things - used to retrieve incoming e-mails.

When Mule/ESB Mail is enabled, the following mechanisms apply:

The following figure provides an example of Mule/ESB Mail-related system properties. Please also refer to the detailed explanation of Mule/ESB Mail system properties in List of System Properties by Area.

Figure 318: System properties for Mule/ESB Mail

E-Mail Configuration Using NIMH

NIMH, the New Incoming Mail Handler, is a proprietary module of ConSol CM. The following picture provides an overview of all components.

Figure 319: NIMH components

When NIMH is enabled, the following apply:

The following figure provides an example of NIMH properties. Please also refer to the detailed explanation of NIMH system properties in List of System Properties by Area).

Figure 320: System properties for NIMH, 1

Figure 321: System properties for NIMH, 2

Information about system property mail.on.error

In ConSol CM versions up to, the default value for the property mail.on.error (module cmas-nimh-extension) is false.

In ConSol CM versions and up, the default value for the property mail.on.error (module cmas-nimh-extension) is true.

The value will be automatically set to true during an update from versions and lower to a version and higher. Please be aware that you may have to disable these e-mail notifications after an update in case you previously intentionally set the property value to false.

Switching from Mule/ESB Mail to NIMH

If you want to switch from Mule/ESB ("old") mode to NIMH ("new") incoming mail mode, you have to perform the following steps (please also note the info box Step-by-step guide for a switch from Mule/ESB Mail to NIMH):

Step-by-step guide for a switch from Mule/ESB Mail to NIMH

If you have to switch your ConSol CM system from Mule/ESB Mail to NIMH, perform the following steps in the order listed here:

  1. Prepare the NIMH environment:
    1. Create the Admin Tool scripts as described in the section above.
    2. Adjust the system properties. The NIMH system properties will be automatically added to the system configuration during an update from a previous version to CM version 6.9.4. Only the required values have to be set. Mailbox properties are added automatically for each mailbox which is added using the Admin Tool.
  2. Shut down Mule/ESB Mail (stop all ESB services using the ESB Services and stop the ESB service using the CM Services. Make sure CM finishes processing e-mails, review e-mail backups and re-process or delete the remaining e-mail backups. "Old" Mule/ESB e-mail backups will not be displayed after the switch to NIMH (but will be displayed if you switch back to Mule/ESB Mail).
  3. Start NIMH:
    1. Set the system property cmas-core-server.nimh.enabled = true.
    2. Start the NIMH service.

For a mapping of ESB Mail system properties to NIMH system properties, please refer to section List of System Properties by Area.

Changed behaviour for POP3 Pollers

In Mule/ESB mode with POP3, read e-mails were automatically deleted on the mail server. In order to achieve the same behavior with NIMH, please set the ConSol CM system property cmas-nimh, mailbox.default.task.delete.read.messages (or cmas-nimh, mailbox.YOUR_MAILBOX_NAME.task.delete.read.messages if you want to specify it per mailbox) to true.

Running NIMH in a Clustered Environment

In a cluster, NIMH can run only on one node. On that node, a system property has to be set: cmas-core-server, nimh.enabled.CLUSTER_NODE_ID = true (for example: cmas-core-server.nimh.enabled.1 = true). This property replaces the general property cmas-core-server.nimh.enabled = true.

On all other nodes, NIMH and Mule (and ESB services) have to be disabled. Furthermore, set the system property cmas-nimh, mailbox.polling.threads.mail.log.enabled = true. Without this setting there is the chance that incoming e-mails may be processed several times by different cluster nodes.

E-Mail Duplication in the ConSol CM Web Client

Please see explanations on the Page Customization page at showCloneOption and appendOrReplaceOnClone.