Scripts of Type Dependent Enum

Dependent enums are hierarchical lists which provide a data structure similar to the one provided by MLAs (see section MLA Administration). In contrast to MLAs, with dependent enums only one level at a time is displayed. Depending on the value the user has selected in the list on this level, another list, the one in the sub-level, is opened. There do not have to be sub-lists for every list entry, so in graph terminology, the list might be a combination of nodes and leaves. A dependent enum script is assigned to the Custom Field Group, Data Object Group, or Resource Field Group where it is required.

Please see the following example:

In Help Desk tickets a location can be selected. First, the user selects the continent. Depending on the selected continent, a sub-list with sub-continents or a sub-list with countries is displayed. All Custom Fields have to be defined as regular enum fields first. In the script, the value of the first level list is checked and, depending on this value, another list is displayed in the second level. This can be used for as many levels as required, but please keep in mind that the editing of the script will become more complex with each level.

The Dependent enum script is placed in the Admin Tool. Please feel free to ask our ConSol CM consultants for support when creating and/or editing the script, as this is a rather complex task.

Figure 342: ConSol CM Admin Tool - Dependent Enum script

The Dependent enum script is assigned to the Custom Field Group, Data Object Group, or Resource Field Group where it is required.

Figure 343: ConSol CM Admin Tool - Assign Dependent Enum script to Custom Field Group

In the Web Client the engineer only sees the sub-list of the value selected in the first level list.

Figure 344: ConSol CM Web Client - Sub-list of continent Europe

Figure 345: ConSol CM Web Client - Sub-list of continent America