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List of Field Annotations
This chapter describes the following field annotations grouped by annotation type:
cmweb-common (type)
- type: cmweb-common
- description: Enables grouping in the ticket list.
- values:
- true: Used only with enum data fields. Remove the annotation if you want to disable grouping.
- type: cmweb-common
- description: Used to enable sorting of the ticket list.
- values:
- true: Used for data fields of type date or of type enum. Remove the annotation if you want to disable sorting.
For enum fields: Works only if order index is set for all values of the enum field.
common (type)
- type: common
- description: Used for the display of fixed point numbers.
- values:
- true / false: Trailing zeros in the fractional part are not cut off when value is true.
- type: common
- description: Used to indicate that the Custom Field cannot be modified.
- values:
- true / false: Field is read-only if value is set to true. Lack of value, or any value except false, is treated as true.
- type: common
- description: Defines when the field is visible.
- values:
- edit: Field will be displayed in edit mode.
- view: Field will be displayed in view mode.
- none: Field is not visible.
- If any other, or no value, is set then the field will always be visible.
component type (type)
- type: component-type
- description: Definition of the layout of a boolean field.
- values:
- checkbox (default): Field that can be checked (set to false by default).
- radio: 2 radio buttons (yes/no) for selection (only one can be active).
- select: Drop-down field with 2 values (yes/no).
- type: component-type
- description: Defines whether an enum field used in a search accepts searching over multiple values.
- values:
- single (default) / multiple: Accepts searching over multiple values if value multiple is set.
- type: component-type
- description: Layout definition of list display
- values:
- select (default): Drop-down list for selection.
- radio: List of radio buttons to select (only one option can be active).
- autocomplete: Drop-down list for selections where the field is an input field used to filter the list.
- type: component-type
- description: Disables the add and/or delete options for data fields of type list or struct.
- values:
- fixed-size: It is not possible to add or delete fields/rows.
- non-shrinkable: It is not possible to delete fields/rows.
- non-growable: It is not possible to add fields/rows.
- type: component-type
- description: Defines the possible types of a string field.
- values:
- text (default): Single-line input field
- textarea: Multi-line input field
- password: Input field for passwords.
Password will be displayed as ******* in view mode. - label: Input will be displayed as a label, i.e., the field is displayed only, no input is possible.
- url: Input will be displayed as a hyperlink in view mode. String has to match a specific URL pattern:
"^((?:mailto\:|(?:(?:ht|f)tps?)\://)1\S+)(?: (?:\| )?(.*))?$"
Example: " ConSol" - file-url: Input will be displayed as a link to a file on the file system. The web browser has to allow/support those links! See section Details about String Fields: Use Annotations to Fine-Tune Strings on how to achieve this. The link will also be displayed as tooltip.
The URL is correctly formed if the following conditions are met:
It starts with file: followed by regular slashes:
- three slashes “///” for files on the same computer as the browser (alternatively “//localhost/”) or
two slashes followed by the server name followed by another slash for files on file servers accessible from the computer running the browser.
These are followed by the full path to the file ending with the file name.
The path on Microsoft Windows systems is also written with forward slashes instead of backslashes.
The drive letter of a local path on Microsoft Windows systems is noted as usual, for example C:.
Paths with spaces and special characters like “{, }, ^, #, ?” need to be percent encoded (“%20” for a space for example) for Microsoft Windows systems.
Example URLs:
- file:///linux/local/file.pdf
- file:///C:/Users/myuser/localfile.doc
contact authentication (type)
- type: contact authentication
- description: Used in a Data Object Group of type contact, for the Data Object Group Field which contains the LDAP ID for CM.Track authentication.
- values: Indicates that this field will be used as an LDAP ID in the authentication process. Data type string is required.
Since the definition is made at the customer group level, the LDAP authentication can be run in mixed mode. I.e., use LDAP for some customer groups and regular authentication for other customer groups.
- type: contact authentication
- description: Indicates that this field will be used as a password in the authentication process.
- values:
- <string>: Used for CM.Track.
- type: contact authentification
- description: Indicates that this field will be used as a login name in the authentication process.
- values:
- true / false: Used for CM.Track.
dwh (type)
- type: dwh
- description: Annotation used to indicate that field will not be historized in DWH
- values:
- true / false: Since version
- type: dwh
- description: Indicates that the field is reportable and that it should be transferred to the DWH.
- values:
- true / false: Field is reportable if value is set to true.
indexing (type)
field indexed
- type: indexing
- description: Indicates that a database index will be created for this field.
If it should be possible to sort result tables (in the Web Client) according to a column (by clicking on the column header), the respective field has to be indexed!
- values:
- transitive (default): All data is displayed (ticket data, customer data and resource data).
- unit: Used for customer data. Only the unit and the parent unit (i.e., company) is given as a search result, no tickets are provided.
- local: Used for customer data. Only the unit is given as a search result, no company and no tickets are displayed.
- not indexed: Field is not indexed.
layout (type)
- type: layout
- description: Defines how many columns are reserved for the field in the layout.
- values:
- <number>:
Number of columns.
- type: layout
- description: Allows grouping of fields in view mode. Annotation is ignored in edit mode.
- values:
- <string>: To group fields the same string value has to be set in the annotation of each field. Two or more data fields are bound when they share the same value for this annotation. The group of coupled data fields is shown only if all of them have values set.
- type: layout
- description: Displayed field size within ticket layout.
- values:
- <rows>;<cols>: Displayed field size.
Format for string fields and number fields: n (indicates number of characters).
Format for textarea: rows;cols (corresponds to <textarea rows="" cols="">).
Enums are displayed as a choice box with n elements, instead of a drop-down. Format for enums: n.
Note: this is only a layout configuration, for validation use maxlength of type group validation. - <number>: For enum data fields. Defines how many values are directly visible in the list box. Used only for layout purposes.
- type: layout
- description: Indicates a group of fields along with its descriptive label in view mode. Annotation is ignored in edit mode.
- values:
- <string>: Indicates a group of data fields along with its descriptive label. The annotation is used in view mode, ignored in edit mode. The group can have exactly one label (a data field of type string with assigned additional annotation text-type with value label). The label is shown when at least one data field from its group has a value set. All fields with the same label value are grouped and displayed under this label.
The annotation label-group has to be assigned to the label, too.
- type: layout
- description: Shows data field value as a label in view mode. Annotation is ignored in edit mode.
- values:
- true: Remove the annotation if the label should not be visible in view mode.
- type: layout
- description: Shows field as a column at given position in the search result list.
- values:
- type: layout
- description: Defines the position of a field within a grid layout or defines the position of a field within a list (struct).
- values:
- <number>;<number>: Values define row and column (row;column), numbering starts at 0;0. If no values are set, the data field will take the next free grid cell.
- 0;<number>: Only the column value is used, the row value is ignored.
- type: layout
- description: Indicates how many rows within the layout are occupied by this field.
- values:
- <number>: Number of rows.
- type: layout
- description: Whether the data field should be displayed in edit mode with label.
- values:
- true / false: Since version 6.9.4
- type: layout
- description: Whether the data field should be displayed in view mode with label.
- values:
- true / false: Since version 6.9.4
- type: layout
- description: Whether the data field should be displayed with tooltip.
- values:
- true / false: Since version 6.9.4
- type: layout
- description: Whether the data field should be displayed with watermark.
- values:
- true / false: Since version 6.9.4
- type: layout
- description: Defines how many columns are occupied by the field in the ticket list box.
- values:
- <number>: Number of columns.
- type: layout
- description: Defines the position of the field in the ticket list box.
- values:
- <number>;<number>: Values define row and column (row;column), numbering starts at 0;0.
- type: layout
- description: Defines how many rows are occupied by the field in the ticket list box.
- values:
- <number>: Number of rows.
performance (type)
- type: performance
- description: Indicates that a single data field should not be historicized. Overwrites the group annotation no-history.
- values:
- true / false: Annotation is active if value is set to true.
For fields that should be stored but not be visible in history use annotation visibility configuration.
In CM versions up to 6.10.2, the DWH transfer of a field history is also controlled by this annotation.
Starting with CM version 6.10.2, use the annotation dwh-no-history-field for this.
phone commander (type)
- type: phone commander (CM.Phone)
- description: Defines a field with a phone number.
- values:
- true: Used with CM.Phone only. Marks a phone number as automatically dialable for outgoing calls for the CTI system.
resource (type)
- type: resource
- description:
- values:
- true / false: Should be assigned to a color enum. Color of selected enum value should be applied to a resource icon's background.
search result (type)
contact search result column
- type: search result
- description: Identifies whether the field should be presented in the search result by default.
Deprecated! Do not use!
- values:
- true:
Remove the annotation if the field should not be visible by default.
Since CM version 6.1.3.
(Replaced by order-in-result, contact search result column is obsolete!)
ticket contact relation type (type)
contains contacts
- type: ticket contact relation type
- description: Used only for list field definition, indicates that it can hold unit references to units annotated as contacts.
- values:
- true/false: Value type is boolean. Specifies whether the list is shown with the contact (true) or with the ticket (false).
ticket display (type)
enum field with ticket color
- type: ticket display
- description: Defines the background color of the ticket icon for ticket list and ticket.
- values:
- true / false: The field has to exist within Enum Administration where lists, values, and colors are defined.
validation (type)
- type: validation
- description: For data fields, to define the level of detail displayed
- values:
- date (default): Show date without time.
- date-time: Show date with time.
- only-time: Show only time, no date.
- type: validation
- description: Used for e-mail addresses to validate that the format is correct, i.e., that it matches <name>@<domain>.
- values:
- true: May be used with string data fields. Remove the annotation if the format should not be validated.
- type: validation
- description: Used for validating the format of date fields.
- values:
- type: validation
- description: Checks if input of string data fields matches the given RegEx.
- values:
- <string>: May be used with string data fields.
- type: validation
- description: Defines the maximum length of input for string data fields.
- values:
- <number>: May be used with string data fields.
- type: validation
- description: Defines the maximum value for number data fields.
- values:
- <number>: May be used with number data fields, i.e., number and fixed-point number.
- type: validation
- description: Defines the minimum length of input for string data fields.
- values:
- <number>: May be used with string data fields.
- type: validation
- description: Defines the minimum value for number data fields.
- values:
- <number>: May be used with number data fields, i.e., number and fixed-point number.
- type: validation
- description: Indicates that this is a required field.
- values:
- true / false: Field is required if value is set to true. The user cannot save the ticket without having entered a value in a required field. In the Web Client, required fields are marked by a red asterisk.
visibility (type)
visibility configuration
- type: visibility
- description: Indicates the visibility of this field in history.
- values:
- on every level: Field is shown on every level of history.
- 2nd level and 3rd level: Field is shown only on the 2nd and the 3rd level of history.
- only 3rd level: Field is shown only on the 3rd level of history.