Managing Customer Groups

Basic Principles of Customer Data Models and Customer Groups

In a ConSol CM system multiple customer groups can be used.


There can be any number of customer groups and any number of customer data models.

Each customer group has exactly one customer data model.

Each customer data model can be assigned to any number of customer groups.

In the following example, the system contains four customer groups, each with its specific customer data model.

Managing Customer Groups Using the Admin Tool

In the Admin Tool, customer groups are managed using the navigation item Customer Groups in the navigation group Customers.

Figure 197: ConSol CM Admin Tool - Managing customer groups

Customer Groups List

On the left side, all customer groups are listed:

You can apply two sorts of filters:

Customer Group Details

On the right side, the details of the selected customer group will be displayed. An explanation of all parameters is given in the following section.

Creating a New Customer Group

You create a new customer group by clicking the Add button below the group list. A pop-up window is opened where you have to enter the customer group parameters.

Figure 198: ConSol CM Admin Tool - Parameters for a customer group

Editing a Customer Group

If you want to edit a customer group, select it in the list and click the Edit button or just double-click the name of the customer group. Modify the customer group parameters and click Save to store your modifications.

Deleting a Customer Group

Select the customer group you want to delete in the list and click the Delete button. If you confirm the following dialog with Yes, the customer group will be deleted and will no longer be available in the system. A customer group can only be deleted if it is not assigned to a queue and if there are no tickets for customers of the group. In a system which has been in operation for a while, it will usually not be possible to delete a customer group.

Disabling and (Re-)Enabling a Customer Group

To disable a customer group, select the customer group in the list and click the Deactivate button. The entry in the list is now shown in italics. Just click the Activate button at the bottom of the page to enable the customer group again. If a customer group is disabled, it is not possible to create new tickets for companies or contacts of the group. Tickets of the group are still visible.

Assigning Access Rights for Customer Groups

In order to let engineers work with customer data of a customer group, e.g., to create new reseller data sets or to modify them, you have to grant access permissions for the user groups to one or more roles.

Figure 199: ConSol CM Admin Tool - Assigning permissions on customer groups to a role

The access rights which can be granted for customer data also comprise the Additional details section of the customer page, i.e. of the company page and/or the contact page.

Figure 200: ConSol CM Web Client - Contact page: Additional details section

The following access permissions can be granted:

Please keep in mind that an engineer must have at least read permissions for a customer group to open and/or create tickets for customers in this group!