Deployment (Import/Export)


ConSol CM offers the option to export the system configuration with or without run-time data into a file and to import this file into another ConSol CM system. The transfer file is called a scenario (sometimes also called a scene). It can contain various data - details are explained in the following sections.

Usually a scenario with configuration data is used to transfer data from a test to a staging or production system.

Since ConSol CM works with transfer keys for all objects it is highly recommended to transfer test to staging or production environments by using a scenario, and not to implement the same functionality in both systems. In case a transfer (export/import) is performed later on, there will be duplicate objects! Please read the detailed explanations below.


A scenario is a file in a proprietary ConSol CM format (similar to .zip, .jar, and .tar) that contains the data of a ConSol CM installation. It can be exported from one ConSol CM system and imported into the same or another system. This can be very helpful, e.g., when a test scenario is built on a test system which can then be transferred to a production server.

When an export file is created (see detailed explanation in the sections below) the administrator can decide which data should be included.

A scenario will always contain:

A scenario can contain, depending on the selection of the administrator (see figure below):

A scenario will never contain:

Deployment (Import/Export) Using the Admin Tool

In the Admin Tool, the deployments are managed using the navigation item Import/Export in the navigation group System. In this navigation item you can import or export scenarios (i.e., the whole configuration or part of it) in an application-specific format. You usually do this to transfer data between different ConSol CM installations. A typical example is transfer of the configuration from a test system to a production system.

Figure 363: ConSol CM Admin Tool - Import/Export

The import of external data can modify, overwrite, or delete existing data irrecoverably. Although the user is prompted for confirmation at critical points during deployment, this cannot prevent erroneous handling. Use this function only if you are very sure what you are doing. In case of doubt please ask the ConSol CM support team or a ConSol CM consultant for assistance.


Click on Export afterwards to start the data export.

You will have to select the data that should be included in the export file (scenario):

Figure 364: ConSol CM Admin Tool - Import/Export: Export configuration

If you would like to export the complete configuration, select All in the Configuration data section. The export/import of subsets (e.g., templates only) is usually applied when selected data (e.g., from a test environment) has to be transferred to another (e.g., live) system.


The general principles of ConSol CM scenario import are:

  1. If the checkbox Delete existing data has not been selected, the scenarios are merged, as described here:
  2. If the checkbox Delete existing data has been checked, the entire system is deleted, i.e., all existing data are deleted. All data means:

    That means if Delete existing data has been selected, it is not possible to preserve anything from the original scenario. Everything is deleted! Only system properties are not deleted.

The following parameters have to be set for an import operation:

Click on Import afterwards to start the data import.

Workflow Deployment (for Deployment Error Recovery Only)

Usually, all operations concerning workflow design and deployment are performed using the Process Designer. However, if an error occurs during workflow deployment, you can transfer the tickets that could not be transferred into the new workflow using the following options.

First select the queue(s), then choose the transfer mode:

Please also read the detailed explanation of the workflow deployment process in the ConSol CM Process Designer Manual.