Admin Tool Scripts

Introduction to Scripts in the Admin Tool

Scripts are stored in the Scripts and Templates section of the Admin Tool. They are written in Groovy and should only be edited by experienced ConSol CM consultants and administrators.

To work with scripts, open the navigation item Scripts and Templates in the navigation group System in the Admin Tool. The tab Scripts will be shown.

Figure 326: ConSol CM Admin Tool - Scripts & Templates Administration

On the left you see the list of all scripts. The list can be filtered using the drop-down menu where the script type can be selected. Two parameters have to be set for each script:

The buttons below the list offer the standard Admin Tool functionalities:

On the right you see the Source Code Editor. The script which is selected in the list on the left is displayed. Here you can write/edit the script source code when using edit mode.

The Source Code Editor

The Source Code Editor provides an editing panel with syntax highlighting, but it does not perform any code validation. You have to check the code for correctness yourself.

Figure 327: ConSol CM Admin Tool - Scripts: Source Code Editor

The lower section of the Source Code Editor has the following buttons:

Script Types

In the following section, the available script types are explained. Some examples are provided to give you an idea of potential uses for scripts.

The following script types are explained here in this section. Please refer to the links provided in the list above for a complete overview of all script types with links to their respective documentation.