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Fixed order for scene exports (#659466)

The scene exports which can be created on the Staging export and Custom export pages of the Web Admin Suite now contain the entities in a fixed order. This allows you to track scene changes easily in a regular version management tool such as git, where you can view the differences between a committed version of a set of files and your local changes.


The order is based on the object IDs. Therefore, new items are added to the end of the XML files, but the IDs can differ if the same configuration is used on two different ConSol CM systems, e.g. a development system and a production system. Therefore, you can only compare scenes exported from the same system.


You can only track changes in scenes created with ConSol CM version or higher. Therefore, you need to export the initial version of the scene first. Then you can view the differences with respect to subsequent scene exports.


This feature only covers the XML files from the scene export. Changes to workflows cannot be tracked in this way.


This feature only covers configuration data. Runtime data will still be sorted randomly.