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Bugs fixes

The following defects have been corrected in this major ConSol CM version 6.17.2.

#633549 - Time trigger fires for closed case

If a case was closed due to a time trigger, e.g. at an activity, and remained in a scope which has other active time triggers attached, these time triggers fired even though the case was closed. This issue has been resolved, and time triggers are now properly deactivated upon case closure, preventing any further automatic actions on closed cases.

#660783 - Missing error handling for users without permissions in CM/Track V3

When users try to log in to CM/Track V3 without the necessary permissions for their customer group, the application failed to initialize and the page remained blank. This issue has been resolved and now a specific error page with a clear message that the system is misconfigured is shown.

#662000 - Not possible to delete a sublevel of a hierarchical list

It could happen that an error message was shown when trying to delete an empty sublevel of a hierarchical list on the Hierarchical lists page of the Web Admin Suite. This problem has been solved, and it is now possible to delete sublevels of a hierarchical lists.

#662349 - Visibility of the force delete button affected by case sensitivity

The Force delete button, which allows to remove data fields which are in use in the Web Admin Suite if the system is defined as a development system, was only shown if the system property system.flavour had the value dev in small letters. This problem has been solved, and the Force delete button is now displayed regardless of the case used in the system.flavour property.

#662546 - Incorrect error log for failed case creation

The error which was logged when it was not possible to create a case from an incoming email due to a missing business calendar at the queue was incorrect, stating that the queue was null. This issue has been resolved and the correct error is logged now.

#662564 - Error when referenced entity of a view became unavailable

When opening the Views page of the Web Admin Suite, errors occurred if an entity referenced by the view was deleted or unassigned from the view's queue. This issue has been resolved, and the affected view is now marked with a Repair icon, allowing users to fix the view without encountering errors.

When opening a workflow which was created in the old Process Designer, it could happen that connections between workflow elements were broken and the control points were displayed outside the respective scope. This problem has been solved by recreating such broken connections automatically.

#662713 - ETL Runner task vanishes after modification

When modifying a task on the ETL page of the Web Admin Suite, the task configuration could become unusable due to the etl-runner.{task}.json file being locked by an external process, such as antivirus software. This problem has been resolved by implementing error handling for JSON parsing and file locking, ensuring that the task execution is paused and retried until the file is accessible, with appropriate visual feedback in the Web Admin Suite.

#662759 - Unneeded warnings from wicket

The log files contained many wicket-related warnings such as Tried to retrieve a localized string for a component that has not yet been added to the page. These warnings have been removed because they do not indicate any issue and are therefore not needed.

#662838 - Not possible to log in after state expired

When using OIDC and trying to log in to the Web Client or Web Admin Suite after keeping the login page open for longer than 8 hours, the login failed due to a missing state and a misleading error message was shown. This problem has been solved by redirecting the user to the login page with a new state in such a situation, so that login is possible.

#662857 - Incorrect indexing of case fields

When a case field group was assigned to a queue via the Case field groups page in the Web Admin Suite, the indexed fields were not searchable in the detail search of the Web Client for users with access only through that queue. This issue has been resolved, and now the queue assignment works properly when done on the Case field groups page.

#662923 - Subjects in case list occasionally shortened

When using the Web Client on Microsoft Edge with a smaller screen, case subjects in the case list were sometimes shortened to one line after resizing the window or losing and regaining focus. This problem has been solved, and case subjects are now consistently displayed in two lines regardless of the screen size.

#662994 - Not possible to delete multiple users with assigned cases

When attempting to delete multiple users, who have cases assigned, on the Users page of the Web Admin Suite, a spinning wheel was shown and the application was blocked. This problem has been resolved, and the deletion now proceeds correctly without causing the application to become unresponsive.

#663027 - Not possible to select script areas with ALT key

In the script editor of the Web Admin Suite, it was not possible anymore to select an area of a script text using the ALT key. This problem has been solved, and users can now select script areas with the ALT key as before.

#663037 - Wrongly created case prevented case creation

When a case was created accidentally with an empty scope information, further case creation was blocked until the case was deleted. This issue has been resolved by enforcing a NOT NULL constraint on the respective database column ensuring that all cases are created with valid scope information.

#663078 - Incorrect information about other sessions

When OIDC is enabled in the Web Client and the user selects the Keep me logged in checkbox, an information message about other active sessions was incorrectly displayed after a session timeout and recreation. This problem has been solved, and now the information about other active sessions is not displayed for recently timed out sessions.

#663106 - Error when trying to open activity form field from workflow

On the Workflows page of the Web Admin Suite, an error occurred when clicking th Jump to field icon in the Fields tab of an activity form which was opened from the workflow, preventing access to the field. This problem has been solved, and users can now open fields from activity forms regardless of how the form was opened.

#663115 - Info message about session recreation disappeared

The green information message, which was shown when a user was logged in automatically to the Web Client with the Keep me logged in feature, disappeared automatically after the time configured in the page customization attribute successMessageTimeout. This problem has been solved, and the message about session recreation now remains visible, ensuring that the users are properly informed.

#663116 - Undeterministic logout behavior on Firefox with OIDC

When using OIDC and selecting the Keep me logged in checkbox to log in to the Web Client on Firefox, the logout after clicking the No, log me out button in the warning dialog shown before a session timed out, was inconsistent, sometimes redirecting users incorrectly or recreating sessions instead of logging out. This issue has been resolved, and users are now consistently redirected to the OIDC logout page when logging out, ensuring proper session termination.

#663167 - Not possible to delete template content

On ConSol CM systems using an Oracle database, an error message was displayed when the users tried to delete template content directly after adding and saving it on the Templates page of the Web Admin Suite, although the content was deleted after reloading the page. This problem has been solved, and users can now delete template content without encountering errors when using an Oracle database.

#663189 - Not possible to filter values in portal configuration

When selecting a value for a field to define default values for tiles on the Portal configuration page of the Web Admin Suite, attempting to filter the values did not work, and all values were displayed instead. This problem has been solved, and filtering now works correctly for the field values.

#663197 - Filter not working as expected in case administration

When performing a search on the Case administration page of the Web Admin Suite and filtering the results by entering a keyword in the search field above the results table, the keyword was not visible anymore after deleting all displayed cases. Nevertheless, the filter was still applied, so that the remaining found cases were not shown. This problem has been solved, and now the filter text is visible, allowing users to see the remaining cases after removing the keyword.

#663296 - Hotkeys for activities not working after canceling activity form

After canceling an activity form in the Web Client, the hotkeys for executing activities (ALT + <number>) did not work anymore until the page was refreshed. This problem has been solved, and the hotkeys now function correctly after canceling an activity form.

#663251 Wrong overlay position after language change

After switching the language of a workflow on the Workflows page of the Web Admin Suite, the overlays and contact icons attached to activities did not adjust to the new activity size but remained in their previous positions, so that they appeared misaligned. This issue has been resolved, and the overlays and contact icons now correctly adjust their position in accordance with the activity size when the language is changed.

#663288 - Case list not refreshed when changing user

When changing the user in the case list of the Web Client to view the case list as a represented user, the case list did not refresh automatically and additional actions, like clicking on the group headers or changing the focus, were needed to update the view. This problem has been solved, and the case list now refreshes automatically when the user is changed.

#663300 - Arrow incorrectly displayed above scope in workflow editor

When moving the target activity of an arrow on the Workflows page of the Web Admin Suite, the arrow was incorrectly displayed above the scope which it traverses instead of underneath it. This problem has been solved, and the arrow is now correctly displayed underneath the scope after moving the target activity.

#663314 - Page visualization not working in activity form opened by script

When opening an activity form in the Web Client via a workflow script using the method client.openActivityForm(), the page visualization script was not executed. This problem has been solved, and page visualization scripts are now executed for activity forms opened manually and via script.

#663391 - Trigger execution chain ending in automatic end node treated as interrupt

When connecting a trigger to an automatic end node, the case returned to its original position when the trigger fired, instead of proceeding to the end node. This problem has been solved, and automatic end nodes now behave in the same way as manual end nodes, so that trigger executions are treated as exceptions instead of interrupts when ending in any end node.

#663435 - Unneeded line above user icon in case list settings

When a user representing another user accessed the case list settings in the Web Client and selected the represented user, an unneeded line appeared above the user icon, affecting the visual layout. This problem has been solved, and the user icon now displays correctly without any additional lines.

#663471 - Import failure after changing activity name

When the changing the technical name of an activity on the Workflows page of the Web Admin Suite, exporting a scene which contains the respective workflow, and importing it on another system, which already contains the workflow with the same activity, an error occurred. This issue has been resolved, and the update of modified technical activity names is now correctly handled during import.

#663487 - Endless email sending retries when From address is null

When attempting to send an email asynchronously without a From address, the email could not be sent and entered an infinite retry loop. This problem has been solved and such emails are not retried endlessly anymore.

#663510 - Login error after leaving the login page open for more than 8 hours

When the login page to access the Web Admin Suite was left open for more than 8 hours, an error was shown and the user could not log in. This problem has been solved, and the page is correctly refreshed now.

#663556 - Unexpected paragraph tags in textblock templates

An unexpected <p> tag was added around templates of the type Text block in the Web Client, when editing or saving textblock templates, causing formatting issues in the resulting text, especially when textblocks were used inline within a sentence. This issue has been resolved by replacing <p> tags with </br> tags for inline text blocks.

#663563 - Lists and enums with read-only setting not editable in activity forms

In CM/Track V3, list and enum fields with the setting Read-only set to On create or edit where not editable in activity forms. This issue has been resolved, and now all field types with this setting are editable in activity forms.

#663566 - Portal configuration missing in single case export

When exporting a single case on the Staging export page of the Web Admin Suite, the portal configurations were not included in the export file. This problem has been solved, and portal configurations are now correctly exported with single case exports.

#663647 - Incorrect activity form display with fields having the same technical name

When fields with the same technical name from different field groups were used in an activity form in CM/Track V3, fields from one group were rendered multiple times instead of displaying each field once. This issue has been resolved, and activity forms are now displayed correctly if they contain fields with the same technical names from different field groups.

#663648 - Not possible to upload attachment with dots in file name

In CM/Track V3, it was not possible to upload attachments which had more than one dot in their file name and extension. This problem has been solved and attachments with several dots in their name can now be uploaded.

#663671 - Third level of hierarchical lists cut off with zooming

The third level of hierarchical lists in the Web Client was cut off if the browser zoom or Windows display scaling was set above 100%. This problem has been solved, and the hierarchical list is now displayed correctly regardless of the zoom or scaling settings.

#663769 - Update workflow button disabled

When opening the Settings dialog while editing a workflow on the Workflows page of the Web Admin Suite, the Update workflow button was disabled after closing the dialog. This problem has been solved and the button now remains enabled after canceling the Settings dialog.

When the system property ticket.from.incoming.message.accepted.links from the module cmas-core-server was set to .+, i.e. all links are clickable, cases containing URLs in their history could not be loaded. This issue has been resolved, and cases now load correctly regardless of the value set in the property.

#663864 - Prefill script of an activity form lost when importing custom export

When importing a custom export, it could happen that the prefill script attached to an activity form was not imported, despite being present in the export package. This issue has been resolved by adjusting the custom export to ensure that activity forms are only exported if the workflow which they are used in is also exported.

#663887 - Autocomplete results underlined with line breaks in CM/Track V3

When the user typed in an autocomplete field in CM/Track V3, the results were incorrectly displayed with underlines and line breaks. This issue has been resolved, and now the search results are correctly displayed with the matched text highlighted in bold, without underlines or unneeded line breaks.

#663905 - Endless spinner when pasting email recipient list from clipboard

When pasting a list of email recipients into the To field while composing an email in the Web Client, the busy indicator would spin indefinitely, and the last recipient would disappear upon clicking elsewhere. This problem has been resolved, and all recipients now appear correctly after pasting.

#663908 - Change password feature did not work with OIDC authentication

When using internal OIDC with database authentication, the users could not change their passwords in the Web Client because the respective dialog was not opened after clicking the Change password button the user profile. This problem has been solved and the change password functionality now works as expected.

#663963 - No session timeout while creating or deleting a cube

When the user initiated the creation or deletion of a cube on the Cubes page of the Web Admin Suite, the session did not finish after the configured timeout, causing the session to prolong indefinitely. This problem has been solved, and the session now correctly times out regardless of cube actions running in the background.

#663964 - No session timeout with automatic refresh of log files

Sessions on the Log files page never timed out when the option Refresh every 5 seconds or Refresh every second was selected to refresh the log file automatically. This problem has been solved, and the session now correctly finishes even when automatic refresh is configured.

#663973 - Wrong color of template parameters

The values provided for template parameters when using a template in an comment or email in the Web Client were always inserted in black color to the template content, leading to an inconsistent display when the Web Client was customized to use another default color. This problem has been solved and parameters now inherit the default color.