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Import and export improvements

Custom export of page customizations (#662340)

The Custom exports page of the Web Admin Suite has been extended by the option Page customization as a main entity. The configuration scripts of the page customizations are added as dependencies automatically.

Custom export of roles (#662340)

The Custom exports page of the Web Admin Suite has been extended by the option Role as a main entity. By default, only the role itself is exported. You can click the Add dependencies icon to manually add entities referenced by the role, such as queues, customer groups, views, resource types, user functions and users.

Staging export streamlined (#662463)

The Staging export page of the *Web Admin Suite has been enhanced to improve transparency and usability. The following general principles were applied:

  • The checkboxes of dependent data are selected automatically, so that the users are aware of all exported entities.
  • Optional checkboxes, which are required only in some configurations, can now be selected / deselected manually as long as this would not break the referential integrity of the export. This allows the users greater control over the export content.

The following specific changes were made:

  • Customer data model: Workflows are not exported automatically anymore. Enums are exported automatically, and scripts are preselected.
  • Resource data model: Workflows are not exported automatically anymore. Enums are exported automatically, and scripts are preselected. Resource actions and localizations of the resource data model are now exported. The export now includes only the resource data fields.
  • Contact data: Workflows and webhooks are not exported automatically anymore. Enums are exported automatically. Scripts, and skin and web resource files are preselected. The user can choose to export queues (with the respective dependencies).
  • Resource data: Workflows are not exported automatically anymore. Enums are exported automatically. Scripts, and skin and web resource files are preselected. Resource actions and localizations of the resource data model are now exported. The user can choose to export queues (with the respective dependencies). The export now includes only the resource data fields.

Queues and their related data were previously included in the export of the resource data model silently. If you need queues in your export, you now need to explicitly select the respective checkbox.

These changes ensure that the export process is more intuitive and that users have a clear understanding of what data is being exported.

Custom export of views (#662629)

The Custom exports page of the Web Admin Suite has been extended by the option View as a main entity. By default, only the view itself is exported. You can click the Add dependencies icon to manually add entities referenced by the view, such as data fields, workflows, roles and queues.

Custom export of contact and resource models (#662710)

The Custom exports page of the Web Admin Suite has been extended by the options Contact model and Resource model as main entities. The following entities are added to the export as dependencies automatically:

Contact models:

  • Contact field groups and fields
  • Templates

Resource models:

  • Resource categories and types
  • Resource field groups and fields
  • Templates
  • Actions

The user can click the Add dependencies icon of a resource type to add its case, contact or resource relations to the export.

Change to queue export

When selecting a queue as a main entity, the case fields are now added to the export automatically to be consistent with the contact and resource model export.

Type column for custom exports improved (#663107)

For data fields, the table now includes the type of entity (case, contact or resource) and the type of field in the Type column of the Custom export page of the Web Admin Suite. In addition, it is possible to sort the table by the Type column. This allows the users to get a better overview of the exported fields.

Handling of queues in custom exports changed (#663436)

When importing a queue which was exported on the Custom exports page of the Web Admin Suite to another system, which already contains a queue with the same transfer key, the settings of the imported queue are now merged with the settings of the existing queue.

The import behavior of queues therefore differs depending on how the scene was created:

  • Staging export: The existing queue is replaced by the imported queue as a whole.
  • Custom export: The settings of the imported queue are added to the existing queue.

This enables to correctly handle queues which are exported without all dependent data, e.g. without their business calendars.