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Files and applications

This section lists the applications and their configuration files which are required for executing ConSol CM and its extensions.


You need to install the applications for the core product ConSol CM and the desired extensions.

Deployment location

If there is a standalone and an overlay executable, you can choose between deploying the overlay executable in the application server where ConSol CM is running, or running the standalone executable from another location.

This decision can be taken for each application individually, i.e. it is possible to, for example, deploy the authentication application together with ConSol CM, and run CMRF and ETL Runner as standalone applications.

File nameLocationProduct / ExtensionDeployment mode
cm6.ear<JBOSS_HOME>/standalone/deploymentsConSol CMOverlay
cm-auth-portal-user.war<JBOSS_HOME>/standalone/deploymentsCM/Track V3Overlay
cm-auth-portal-user-standalone.jarAnyCM/Track V3Standalone
cm-auth-user.war<JBOSS_HOME>/standalone/deploymentsConSol CMOverlay
cm-auth-user-standalone.jarAnyConSol CMStandalone
cm-etl-runner.war<JBOSS_HOME>/standalone/deploymentsETL RunnerOverlay
cm-etl-runner-standalone.jarAnyETL RunnerStandalone
cm-track-v3.war<JBOSS_HOME>/standalone/deploymentsCM/Track V3Overlay
cm-track-v3-standalone.jarAnyCM/Track V3Standalone

Configuration files

File nameLocationProduct / ExtensionPurposeModification required?
archive-prod.propertiesDirectory of the archive.jarCM/ArchiveConfigures the database connectionYes
cmas-auth-portal-user.propertiesDirectory of the cm-auth-portal-user-standalone.jarCM/Track V3Configures the database connectionYes
cmas-auth-user.propertiesDirectory of the cm-auth-user-standalone.jarConSol CMConfigures the database connectionYes
cmrf.propertiesDirectory of the cmrf.jarCMRFOnly for standalone deployment; configures the database connection and loggingYes
cm6.xml<JBOSS_HOME>/standalone/configuration (regular installation) or domain (cluster installation) on serverConSol CMContains the default configuration to be overridden in properties files; one variant for each database system, e.g. cm6-postgresql.xmlNo
cm6-config.properties<JBOSS_HOME>/binConSol CMConfigures the database connection and loggingYes
cm6-domain-config.properties<JBOSS_HOME>/binConSol CMConfigures the database connection and loggingYes
cm6-dwh.xml<JBOSS_HOME>/standalone/configurationConSol CM and CMRFContains the default configuration to be overridden in properties files; one variant for each database system, e.g. cm6-dwh-postgresql.xmlNo
etlRunnerApplication.properties<JBOSS_HOME>/bin (overlay deployment) or directory of the etl-runner.jar (standalone deployment)ETL RunnerConfigures directories and the connection between ETL Runner and ConSol CMYes
standalone.conf<JBOSS_HOME>/binConSol CMConfigures environment variables, Java memory options and serialization settings on LinuxYes
standalone.conf.bat<JBOSS_HOME>/binConSol CMConfigures environment variables, Java memory options and serialization settings on WindowsYes