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Configuration improvements

The following configuration improvements have been made.

Distributed transactions removed from ConSol CM and CMRF (#657815)

ConSol CM and the CMRF does not use distributed transactions anymore. Therefore, it is not required anymore to configure distributed transactions for the ConSol CM and DWH databases.

The distributed transactions (XA transactions) have been removed from the configuration properties files cm6-config.properties and cm6-domain-config.properties. In addition, the comments about the datasources have been changed for better clarity.

The configuration files cm6-<DB>.xml and cm6-dwh-<DB>.xml have been updated so that the regular transactional datasources are used.


You need to update both the properties and the xml files when updating ConSol CM.

This change makes the database configuration easier as it is not required anymore to activate distributed transactions for Microsoft SQL Server and the required settings for PostgreSQL have been simplified.

DWH notification properties updated (#658301)

All system properties which are related to DWH notifications are now optional, so that it is possible to remove their values if no notifications are needed.

The Optional setting of all properties which start with notification* from the module cmas-dwh-server is changed to "true" when updating the ConSol CM system.

In addition, the system documentation, which is shown when clicking the Documentation icon in the property details of the System properties page of the Web Admin Suite has been updated accordingly.

Example proxy configuration updated (#658640)

The example configuration for running ConSol CM behind a proxy has been updated.

The rewrite rules and proxy passes for ETL have been added to the files envvars, cm.http.apache.conf and cm.https.apache.conf (Linux), and httpd.conf, http-vhosts.conf and https-vhosts.conf (Windows). This allows to use a proxy for the new ETL Runner application introduced in Integrated ETL runtime (#657459).

Debug logging for Microsoft SQL Server disabled (#659237)

The ConSol CM configuration files cm6-dwh-<DB>.xml and cm6-<DB>.xml have been extended with the following lines to avoid unneeded debug logs related to database operations with Microsoft SQL Server in the default configuration.

The following lines were added:

<logger category="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.internals">
<level name="${logger.com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.internals.level:OFF}"/>

CMRF configuration added to domain XML (#659438)

The ConSol CM configuration files cm6-<DB>.xml for the cluster setup (domain folder) have been extended with the definition of the CMRF datasources in the profile cmrf-server. This information is needed for the DWH to work correctly in a cluster.

SMTP settings from DWH removed (#659749)

The SMTP settings in the DWH configuration have been removed from the DWH configuration dialog of the Administration page of the Web Admin Suite. The CMRF now uses the global STMP configuration which is defined on the Email configuration page.

Database information in monitoring extended (#659563)

The information which is available through the monitoring endpoint /health/report and in the dashboard widget Database of the Web Admin Suite has been extended. It now includes the pool statistics for all connected databases, i.e. both the ConSol CM database and the DWH database. In addition, more attributes are available to help with the analysis of database problems. Some attributes have been renamed.

The following attributes are now available:

  • activecount (new)
  • availablecount (previously called pool availablecount)
  • averagegettime (new)
  • createdcount (new)
  • destroyedcount (new)
  • idlecount (new)
  • inusecount (previously called pool inusecount)
  • maxgettime (new)
  • maxusedcount (previously called pool maxusedcount)
  • maxwaitcount (new)

Please note that the JSON structure has changed by introducing two levels of hierarchy: pool statistics and the name of the database connection. This might affect external monitoring tools which rely on the previous structure.

Operation times logging for searches (#659640)

The performance of search operations performed on ConSol CM runtime data can now be analyzed in the log files. This includes all searches performed in the Web Client, e.g. quick search, detail search, and search in autocomplete fields, as well as searches performed inside scripts and by other clients.

The log file operationtimes-search.log has been added for this purpose. It contains log entries for all search operations which exceed the threshold defined in the new system property search.log.threshold.milliseconds from the module cmas-core-server. By default, the property is set to 500 milliseconds, so all searches which take longer than half a second are logged. The log entries contain the search pattern and the duration.

The following example corresponds to a quick search for "attachment" in the Web Client:

"pattern" : "attachment*"
2024-02-13 15:21:38,105 INFO [ore.server.search.SearchLogger] [webadmin-search-bbe48897-25fa-4134-a488-9725fa313485] Ticket search performed in 32ms (pageSize=20, pageNumber=0, pageElements=13, totalNumberOfElements=13, criteria={

The ConSol CM configuration files (cm6-<DB>.xml) have been updated by adding the new logger. If you update an existing ConSol CM system to version, you either need to replace the XML file for your database or add the following lines to the existing one:

<periodic-size-rotating-file-handler name="INDEX_OPERATION_TIMES" autoflush="true">
<pattern-formatter pattern="%d %-5.5p [%30.-30c] [%X{username}-%X{context}-%X{sessionId}] %m%n"/>
<file relative-to="jboss.server.log.dir" path="operationtimes-search.log"/>
<suffix value=".yyyy.MM.dd"/>
<max-backup-index value="${handler.indexoperationtimes.max.backup.index:10}"/>
<rotate-size value="${handler.indexoperationtimes.rotate.size:50m}"/>
<append value="true"/>


<logger category="com.consol.cmas.core.server.search.SearchLogger" use-parent-handlers="false">
<level name="${logger.com.consol.cmas.core.server.search.SearchLogger.level:INFO}"/>
<handler name="CONSOLE"/>
<handler name="INDEX_OPERATION_TIMES"/>

Extended information in audit log (#659661)

Changes to text templates and document templates, which are performed in the Web Client, are now logged to the audit.log file. This allows to track changes to these templates in a similar way as for the templates which are changed in the Web Admin Suite.

Database connection pool setting modified (#659669)

The maximum number of database connections, which is defined in the application server settings, has been reduced from 200 to 100, in order to align it with the default maximum pool size settings of the different databases. In addition, the setting can now be overwritten easily in the ConSol CM properties files.

The properties files cm6-config.properties and cm6-domain-config.properties have been extended by the following setting for this purpose:


You need to update the ConSol CM XML configuration files and properties files for this new ConSol CM version.


The maximum pool size should be at least as large as the number of concurrent users on the respective node. Therefore, you need to increase it if your system has more than 100 concurrent users.

Monitoring information adjusted (#660414)

The syntax of the monitoring information concerning processor load and memory, which is returned by the /health/report and /health/check (only memory information) endpoints, has been changed for better readability.

New JSON syntax:

"processorsLoad" : [ {
"processorNumber" : 0,
"load" : 89.65517241379311
}, {
"processorNumber" : 1,
"load" : 13.793103448275861
}, {
"processorNumber" : 2,
"load" : 100.0
}, {
"processorNumber" : 3,
"load" : 9.090909090909092
} ]


"memory" : [ {
"memory poolname" : "available memory",
"current value" : 320036864
}, {
"memory poolname" : "total memory",
"current value" : 4109828096
}, {
"memory poolname" : "jvm memory free",
"current value" : 605999288
}, {
"memory poolname" : "jvm memory footprint",
"current value" : 761343816
}, {
"memory poolname" : "jvm memory available",
"current value" : 2147483648
} ],

Please check and adjust external monitoring tools which rely on the previous structure.