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Page to manage failed outgoing emails (#660486)

The Web Admin Suite has been extended with the page Failed outgoing emails in the Email menu. It shows asynchronous emails whose sending failed after reaching the number of retries configured in the system property mailSender.maxAttempts from the module cmas-core-server. The administrator can retry the emails, individually or in bulk. This is useful to avoid that the users, who have sent the emails from a case in the Web Client, need to go back to the case and retry the email manually, for example if there was a problem with the email server.

By default, up to 150 failed outgoing emails are shown on the page. You can adapt this by modifying the new system property mailSender.failedMailsArchiveLimit from the module cmas-core-server. If you set it to 0, the feature is disabled.

If the emails are not needed anymore, the administrator can also delete them.