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Mechanism to add additional PDI plugins to ETL Runner (#661139)

ETL Runner has been extended by a mechanism to add additional Pentaho Data Integration plugins. This is needed if the transformations and jobs, which were created in Pentaho Data Integration and should be executed with ETL Runner, include plugins which are not part of the set of frequently used default plugins.

Steps to enable additional plugins:

  1. Create a plugin directory and configure its path in the etlRunnerApplication.properties file by adding application.plugins.directory=/etl-runner/plugins.
  2. If running ETL Runner on JBoss, add --add-opens java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.jar=ALL-UNNAMED to the JBoss start command.
  3. Copy the desired plugin from the Pentaho Data Integration distribution (e.g., ${pentaho}/data-integration/plugins/${plugin}) into the /etl-runner/plugins/${plugin} directory.
  4. Restart ETL Runner to apply the changes.

Some plugins might require additional dependencies to be copied into the /etl-runner/plugins/${plugin}/lib directory.


Some plugins might not work due to security vulnerabilities.