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Unique data fields (#661185)

It is now possible to define unique identifiers for cases, contacts, and resources in ConSol CM. This enhancement helps prevent the creation of duplicate entities, e.g. two contacts with the same email address, or two resources with the same serial number.

The new setting Unique has been added to the Validation section of the Settings tab in the details panel of data fiels in the Web Admin Suite. It can be set for data fields of the types Text, Text (short) and Text (long) to add a unique constraint on the respective field. The scope of the constraint is determined by the value of the setting:

  • Global uniqueness: There can be only one case, contact or resource in the system with the same value; setting in all queues | customer groups | resource types
  • Uniqueness in category: The uniqueness is checked by queue, customer group and resource type, so that there can be only one case, contact or resource type with the same value in the queue, customer group or resource type; setting in one queue | customer group | resource type

When a duplicate value is detected during data entry or import, the system will prevent the update of the entity. In the Web Client and CM/Track, validation messages will be shown when a user enters a duplicate value. Updates attempted via script, REST API or ETL will fail with an error.


The unique constraint is implemented on database level. It depends on the database collation if the duplicate check is case-sensitive or not.

Defining existing fields as unique

If you add the unique setting to existing fields which already contain duplicate data, you need to resolve the duplicates manually. There are two possibilities to identify them:

  • Click the Load top 100 duplicates button in the info box below the setting to see the first set of IDs of duplicate entities.
  • Execute the following statement on the database: select search_parent_id, membership from cmas_cf_field where search_path like 'x%';

The following labels were added for the validation messages in the Web Client:

LabelEnglish defaultGerman default
cmweb.rp.resource_type.genitive.initlowresource typeRessourcentyps

Please adjust them if you use other terms in your ConSol CM system.


The update to ConSol CM version can take longer because of database updates which are needed.