Custom Field Administration (Setting Up the Ticket Data Model)


Custom Fields are defined for tickets. By default, all tickets contain information about the assigned engineer, the creation data, and the current queue and scope . These default fields are displayed in the upper part of the ticket next to the ticket icon. In addition to these fields, the CM administrator can define Custom Fields adapted to the use case implemented in ConSol CM. Examples for Custom Fields are priority, software module, reaction time, or sales potential. Custom Fields always belong to Custom Field Groups, which are then assigned to queues to make the Custom Fields available.

Figure 1: Custom Fields on the Web Client GUI

A Custom Field Group:

A Custom Field:

To define new Custom Fields for a queue, you have to perform the following steps:

  1. Define a Custom Field Group and set the respective annotations.
  2. Define all sorted lists which you will need for the Custom Fields (see Managing Sorted Lists: Enum Administration). For example, if the Custom Field priority should contain a list of priorities, you have to define this list first.
  3. Define all Custom Fields within the new Custom Field Group.
  4. Assign the new Custom Field Group to the queue where its Custom Fields are required.
  5. Test the results in the Web Client GUI. You do not need to log in again, it will be sufficient to refresh a page which shows a ticket in the respective queue.

All these steps are explained in detail in the following sections.

In case some data fields should be offered in a form during one or more processes, Activity Control Forms (ACFs) can be defined. This is explained in the section Tab Activity Form Data.

Custom Field Administration Using the Admin Tool

In the Admin Tool, Custom Fields are managed using the navigation item Custom Fields in the navigation group Tickets.

Figure 2: ConSol CM Admin Tool - Custom Field administration

The navigation group Tickets has two tabs:

Both tabs are explained in detail in the following sections.